Terms of Reference


The MS Professionals-In-Training Special Interest Group (MS-PiT SIG) will seek to develop an international network of multidisciplinary professionals-in-training to encourage interest in the treatment and research of multiple sclerosis and to increase the number of healthcare professionals providing care to people living with multiple sclerosis.


This will be a standing group and therefore has no term. The mandate of this group is ongoing.


The group will correspond with the Board of Governors of the Consortium of MS Centers (CMSC), or as otherwise designated, through the Chair.


Membership Composition

  1. Chair
    • The Chair shall be a member of the CMSC. The chair will be a professional-in-training (preferably a fellow) with an interest in the field of MS/Neuroimmunology.
    • The Chair scope of experience should encompass both clinical and research aspects in addition to active participation in medical education.
    • The Chair is appointed by the President of the CMSC in consultation with the CMSC Executive Committee.
  2. Vice-Chair
    • Member of the CMSC
    • Appointed by the Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee,
  3. Criteria for Membership
    • Professionals-in-training with an interest in MS representing all fields of endeavor. Members could be Neurology residents, clinical and research fellows in the field of Neuroimmunology/MS.
    • Non-fellow members should present evidence of current or future commitment to the field of Neuroimmunology/MS.